Please use EDAS system for registration through
Registration will be closed on March 10, 2013
Conference Registration Fees:
- Author Early
Bird Registration (Before February 24, 2013)
- Non-IEEE member US $450
- IEEE member US $400
- Student (student ID card required+EDAS student account) US $150
- Author Regular
Registration (February 25, 2013 to March 10,
- Non-IEEE member US $550
- IEEE member US $500
- Student (student ID card required+EDAS student account) US $150
- Attendee Registration
(Before March 10, 2013)
- US $150
Registration Instructions:
- Student Poster participants are not required to register through EDAS system because it is free of cost. However, they need to fill the form to register and send it to Registration chair Dr. Sanja Lazarova-Molnar
- Only limited number of processing support (not financial) for visa application will be provided, which works on first come first serve basis. Therefore, those who are seeking for visa application help are advised to register as early as possible. For more details about visa, please visit venue.html
- Additional Paper Registration Fee is US $100 per paper (only one extra paper is allowed).
- One registration covers a paper of up to 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
- A cancellation charge of US $50 will be deducted from the registration amount if cancelled before March 10, 2013. No refund will be granted after this date.
- No refund is granted for "no show". Based on IEEE policies, an accepted paper must be presented to be considered for inclusion in IEEE Xplore
- If you are registering as "Student" to be registered in EDAS as a student and show a valid "Student ID" at the registration desk of the conference.
Authors Registration Fee Includes:
Registration Package incl. Proceedings, Lunch, Coffee breaks, and Conference Gala Dinner.
Dr. Sanja Lazarova-Molnar